This game has been made by @JackousGames in under 42 hours for the compo category of the 42nd Ludum Dare game jam event.

Theme: Running out of space


You have been sent on a mission to gather resources in space. With the aim to get back to earth as quickly as possible your are literally trying to run out of space and reach your rocket.  Movement up in space is different than on earth so you were smart enough to bring a jetpack! Be carefull though: Manage your fuel charges and use the jetpack with care. There are obstacles that you otherwise may not overcome. Take advantage of the low gravity and aim for as many resources as you can get, those make up your primary score and you need to gather at least half of the maximum per level to complete it.


With the theme in mind I went for a “space” focussed control system. All you need to play the game is the spacebar!

  • Hit [SPACE] to jump and
  • Hit [SPACE] to use jetpack while in air
  • Hit [ESCAPE] to pause / unpause & restart


SPaceRunnerv0-3c_win.zip 19 MB
SpaceRunnerv0-3_mac.zip 24 MB

Development log

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